École Argyle Secondary
North Vancouver School District
Support Programs

Argyle has a variety of programs and resources to support students to help them overcome a variety of barriers, whether they are mental health or learning barriers.  Students are enrolled in the various programs by their grade counsellor under the direction of the School Based Resource Team.


What is LAC?

The main focus of the LAC program is to support students in developing independence in relation to their executive functioning and academic challenges and allow them to find success in their general classrooms.

What are the LAC tiers?
LAC has several tiers to respond to the varying support needs of our students and appropriately target learning resources. Students may move up or down in these tiers as their needs for support change, as recommended by SBRT.

LAC Tier 1 – Beginning level of support. Students recommended at this level have access to LAC during FLEX time which occurs daily at 8:30-9:10AM. Additionally, students can self-refer to LAC at this level. Any student with an identification in Tier 1 will receive case management and an Individual Education Plan (IEP) from a Learning Services Teacher (LST).

LAC Tier 2 – Intermediate level of support. Students retain their full schedule of registered course selections. All supports from Tier 1 continue to be provided. In addition, students may also access LAC during class time with teacher permission during independent work time or to write assessments.

LAC Tier 3 – Intensive level of support. S​tudents replace one of their regular course selections with a support class of LAC. During LAC class time, students will receive coaching and direct instruction on skills such as organization, time management, self-advocacy, and study strategies as well as support with homework. Attendance, participation, and engagement with skill building activities is expected of all students to provide evidence of skills development.

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Choices 8-12​

The purpose of Choices is to support students with social/emotional and behavioural issues. These students need assistance to recognize, understand and create strategies to overcome challenges that create barriers to learning. They remain within their school community, engaging in academic and social activities that fit their learning needs. They also have the opportunity to connect to teachers, support workers and counsellors who are able to adapt their program without having to refer them to an alternate program. The Choices classroom is a place to facilitate connection and belonging to the school community. The ultimate goal is to have students maintain their educational experience at their regular mainstream high school.​​​

​Learning Support Centre

The Learning Support Centre provides students with skills which encourage and support independent living through work experience, recreational activities and a focus on practical skills.  Students are referred to the program by the elementary school and/or the Argyle SBRT in consultation with parents.


École Argyle Secondary

1131 Frederick Rd, North Vancouver, BC, V7K 1J3 | 604.903.3300 604.903.3301 | argyle@sd44.ca